Creating a The conservationist Aldo Leopold once observed that the basic task for humans is to learn how "to live on a piece of land without spoiling it." Today, the management of land use and development remains one of the toughest challenges for any community. Around Northeast Ohio, many people are wondering how they can reap the benefits of new development without destroying the places they love. And people in older communities are wondering how to maintain their quality of life now that their cities are built out and can no longer grow. These challenges are compounded by the political fragmentation of our region and the lack of state support for sustainable patterns of development. Fortunately, there are smart ways for metropolitan regions to develop. This section of our site offers a vision of a Northeast Ohio where cities are redeveloped, open space is conserved, water quality is protected, and people can live in greater harmony with the natural systems that sustain life. It includes the following:
In the coming years, we look forward to working with citizens throughout Northeast Ohio to rebuild our cities and preserve our countryside.
EcoCity Cleveland |
Where are we now? Smart Growth main sections Smart Growth organizing Smart growth research Home Builders Smart Growth Awards Maps of Ohio Congressional, State Senate, and State Rep districts (each is a PDF file of about 160 KB) Statements and Op-Eds
The current round of suburban growth is generating a crisis of many dimensions: mounting traffic congestion, increasingly unaffordable housing, receding open space, and stressful social patterns. The truth is, we are using planning strategies that are 40 years old and no longer relevant to today's culture. Our household make-up has changed dramatically, the work place and work force have been transformed, real wealth has shrunk, and serious environmental concerns have surfaced. But we are still building World War II suburbs as if families were large and had only one breadwinner, as if jobs were all downtown, as if land and energy were endless, and as if another lane on the freeway would end congestion. |