Creating visions
of a sustainable future

EcoCity Cleveland is nationally recognized for publications that explain the complex issues facing cities and metropolitan regions and that convey an exciting vision of a better future. Read them here, or order printed versions.

EcoCity Cleveland Journal
Our journal is our flagship publication and one of the best sources of information about the key issues facing Northeast Ohio from ecological ways to redevelop cities to smart ways to preserve the countryside. *Out of print*

The Greater Cleveland Environment Book
In this comprehensive, 340-page guide, we cover all the environmental issues affecting Northeast Ohio and explain how every person can be a better steward of the land, water, air, and communities of the region. *Out of print*

Car-Free in Cleveland
A car-free lifestyle? This handy guidebook tells you everything you need to know about getting around by transit, bike, or on foot.
Content online here

Citizens' Bioregional Plan
With the help of computer-mapping technology, we have created a vision of sustainable land use for Northeast Ohio. The plan includes conceptual maps for compact cities and towns with urban development zones, a regional greenbelt, farmland protection areas, and other features.
Content online here

Bioregional Map Poster
We've created an unusually beautiful poster of the watersheds and landforms of Northeast Ohio. You've never seen our region like this!

The New American City Faces Its Regional Future:
A Cleveland Perspective

As the City of Cleveland embarks on its third century, it faces new metropolitan realities. This book collects appraisals of the city's future by faculty at the Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University.



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EcoCity Cleveland
3500 Lorain Avenue, Suite 301, Cleveland OH 44113
Cuyahoga Bioregion
(216) 961-5020
Copyright 2002-2003



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