Helping Doan Brook

Ideas for citizens and homeowners who care about water quality and urban streams in their community

This section of the summarizes recommendations made at a workshop organized by EcoCity Cleveland in May 2000. The workshop presented ways that homeowners and citizens can help improve water quality and ecological health in urban watersheds. Although the workshop focused on the Doan Brook Watershed in the Cleveland area, the techniques presented can be helpful in any watershed with urban land or development pressures.

This information was developed by the Center for Watershed Protection, a nonprofit organization in Maryland dedicated to finding new, cooperative ways of protecting and restoring watersheds. Its principal functions are conducting independent research and providing technical support to local governments and watershed management professionals around the country to develop more effective urban stormwater and watershed protection programs.

Funding to support the development of the project was provided by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District as part of its Doan Brook Watershed Study.


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EcoCity Cleveland
3500 Lorain Avenue, Suite 301, Cleveland OH 44113
Cuyahoga Bioregion
(216) 961-5020
Copyright 2002-2005

Tips for helping urban streams
What is a watershed?
Steps to help urban streams
Reducing impervious surfaces
Rain barrels
Pet waste management
Car washing
Integrated pest management

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Doan Brook cutting through layers of sandstone and shale on its way to Lake Erie.


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