Covering the state If you ever doubt that the State of Ohio seeks to open up every corner of the state to development, just look at Access Ohio, the long-range plan of the Ohio Department of Transportation. The plan identifies "macro-corridors", a network of highways connecting every part of the state. This network passes through 76 of Ohio's 88 counties, and all counties are within at least 10 miles of a macro-corridor. The map below shows these highways and the areas withing 10 miles of them. ODOT's budget for new construction is directed toward filling in the gaps in this network. According to Access Ohio, "up to 648 miles of the non-interstate macro-corridor network may need improvements at an estimated cost of $4.5 billion in 1993 dollars." Source: Access Ohio: Multimodal State Transportation Plan to the Year 2020, Ohio Department of Transportation, 1993
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