Friends of the Circle-Heights Minutes for Meeting 8 I. Review CIA Wayfinding Sign Designs The group chose a final design. We made some recommendations for design changes (make font larger, create more air). We did not identify locations or the type of sign but agreed to talk about this further at the next meeting after Marc, Ryan and others had met with the CIA students again. II. Review Bike Parking Inventory matrix Marc is working on putting the bike parking inventory information into a matrix, and a map. We did not get a chance to discuss this in depth. III. Bike Parking on Coventry Tommy Fello updated the group on the process that the Coventry SID has gone through so far to design the streetscape, and the final phases of the redevelopment. The group recommended using the ornamental ironwork around the planters as bike racks, and taking some of the extra money that the SID has identified and using it to create a Circle-Heights kiosk of some kind (possibly in the parking garage by the entrance). The other idea that was discussed was obtaining bike lockers and placing these in the garage, for employees and others that might opt for longer-term bike parking. Tommy agreed to work with the group to identify locations to enhance bike parking and bike friendliness within the district. A tentative plan was made to do a "walk through" of the district with Tommy to identify locations for racks/bike parking and the kiosk. IV. Outreach & Bike Hazard Report No discussion was held on these agenda items, because we ran out of time. These items were tabled until the next meeting. V. Spring Fun Ride Plans were made to hold the spring fun ride on May 23rd. A subcommittee consisting of Marc, Lee & Arline and Neil from B&K Bikes was formed to discuss this further. This group will plan the ride and recruit other volunteers to assist them. EcoCity Cleveland |