Giant Eagle supermarket
3440 Center Rd. (SR 303)
Brunswick, Ohio
The new Giant Eagle Supermarket in Brunswick has incorporated a large array of green features into its design. To be completed in June 2004, the 80,000 square foot structure was designed by MCG Architecture.
According to a company spokesman, Giant Eagle is becoming increasingly interested in green building. In addition to saving energy and lessening pollution, the new store will provide a better experience for shoppers. The new Giant Eagle is also registered with the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program, and the company hopes it will be the first LEED-certified grocery store in the country.
Sustainable Sites
- Bike paths and bike racks will be installed
- White membrane roofing reflects heat and reduces cooling demand
- Location is in a planned mixed-use environment, Brunswick Town Center, which will allow people to walk and bike conveniently to stores
Water Efficiency
- Low-flow and motion sensor facilities in bathrooms
- Stormwater flows to a wetland area near Brunswick Lake where it is filtered naturally by vegetation
- No potable water used in irrigation
- Produce processing equipment will save 100,000 gallons of water per year
Energy and Atmosphere
- Heat generated by refrigerators is used in the desiccant heat recovery system
- Variable frequency drives, fans, and motors to reduce electricity use
- R-20 insulation on the roof, R-7 insulation on the skylights, R-25 insulation in the walls
- High-efficiency fluorescent lighting controlled by sensors that detect amount of daylighting in the store
- Skylights for natural daylighting
- 50% of electricity is purchased from a wind turbine farm in southwestern Pennsylvania
- Energy-efficient and durable fiber optic lighting in wine cooler
- Refrigeration system does not use CFCs or HCFCs
Materials and Resources
- Recycled steel
- Waste fly-ash used in recycled gypsum wallboard and cast-in-place concrete
- More than 35% of construction materials locally produced
- Cabinetry made of strawboard
- Store recycling procedures, including recycling corrugated cardboard, offering five cents for each grocery bag returned to the store, using cooking grease to generate bio-diesel fuel, and recycling fat and bone wastes into products such as soap, rubber and glues
- Unsold produce is turned into compost
- Upwards of 75% of construction wastes were recycled
Indoor Environmental Quality
- Indoor air quality sensors work with the HVAC system
- Smoking lounge for employees with its own ventilation system
- Low-VOC-emitting materials such as paints and composite wood
- Carbon dioxide and VOC sensors
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EcoCity Cleveland
3500 Lorain Avenue, Suite 301, Cleveland OH 44113
Cuyahoga Bioregion
(216) 961-5020
Copyright 2002-2003
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Skylights provide natural daylighting