Dolan Center
for Science and Technology
20700 North Park Blvd.
University Heights, Ohio
Completed in September 2003, the Dolan Center at John Carroll University provides 265,000 square feet of offices, classrooms, and science laboratories. The $66.4 million building was designed by architecture firm of Collins, Gordon and Bostwick. Funding came largely from donations by alumni, as well as grants from foundations.
Befitting an academic science building, the Dolan Center incorporates green features into its design. These features were included because the university believed in the principles and values of environmentalism and green buildings -- and also knew that green buildings save money in the long run. Students and faculty are finding the building to be very comfortable and inviting. The building came close to achieving LEED certification.
Sustainable Sites
- The building is located on a previously developed plot of land at John Carroll University
- Approximately a five-minute walk to the RTA's Green Line and the 94 bus route
Water Efficiency
- Automated sensors to reduce water use in bathrooms
Materials and Resources
- Wood from sustainable forestry practices
- Locally produced materials (structural steel, fume hoods, furniture, paints)
- Recycled materials (steel with approximately 25% recycled content)
- Recycling programs for building users
Indoor Environmental Quality
- Low levels of volatile organic compounds in materials such as paints and carpeting
- Smoking banned inside the building
- Some windows operable
Energy and Atmosphere
- Zoned ventilation systems provide labs (which need high ventilation) and offices optimum air flow
- Variable air volume fume hood system, which lessens the energy spent on removing air from the fume hood
- High-efficiency fluorescent lighting
- Motion sensors to control lighting fixtures
- A "smart" building management system controls lighting, heating/cooling, and ventilation.
- Heat recovery helps ventilation system extract heat from stale air to warm fresh air
- Energy-conserving windows
David Ewing
Department of Chemistry
John Carroll University
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EcoCity Cleveland
3500 Lorain Avenue, Suite 301, Cleveland OH 44113
Cuyahoga Bioregion
(216) 961-5020
Copyright 2002-2003
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The new Dolan Center at John Carroll University mixes science and green building.